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Frequently Asked Questions – Fort Lauderdale, FL

Ask Your Local
Osteopathic Expert

While osteopathic medicine and many of the treatments/technologies we offer have been around for decades, most are still relatively unfamiliar to the average person. So, as you can imagine, our prospective patients usually have a lot of questions for us. We’re always willing to take the time to share any information that someone needs so they can feel comfortable about their care with us. You’re welcome to give us a call and ask anything you like, but first, be sure to read our responses to some of our most popular questions below.

What is an osteopathic doctor (DO)?

An osteopathic doctor is a licensed physician who uses hands-on methods like osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) to improve patients’ overall health and help them recover from a wide variety of musculoskeletal injuries. At our practice, we combine this more traditional treatment with leading-edge technology to offer our patients the best of what’s old and what’s new in the field of medicine.

How does someone become an osteopathic doctor?

Just like medical doctors, osteopathic doctors must first complete an undergraduate program at a university, and then they have to attend four years at an accredited osteopathic medicine program.  Once they graduate, they do three or four years of residency. Some even do an extra year after that for fellowship training in an area of special interest.

What is the difference between a DO and a chiropractor?

The main difference in chiropractic from osteopathic physicians is that the DO is trained in all aspects of medical and surgical practice, as well as musculoskeletal problems. Chiropractors do not have medical or surgical training. Traditionally, chiropractic corrects misalignment or subluxation in spinal areas, though many are adept at extremity manipulation and therapy as well. Osteopathic physicians tend to think more "whole person" and take a broader approach to the patient looking at distant areas to the area of complaint for an answer to where pain generators may lie. They may even look towards the internal organs as any medical doctor would tend to evaluate as a source for musculoskeletal involvement. For example, shoulder pain as a referral source from the gall bladder, or chest wall pain as a referral from cardiac or gastrointestinal issues.

Which one is best: prolotherapy, prolozone, PRP, or Whartons Jellytic growth factors?

Each of these injectable treatments offers its own unique set of advantages, and the one we recommend for a patient will largely depend on the nature of their injury, their desired recovery timeline, and budget. For example, prolotherapy and prolozone tend to work slower than PRP or Whartons Jellytic growth factors, but they are also more affordable, meaning they may be ideal for a patient dealing with a mild to moderate injury.

Are DOs allowed to prescribe medication?

Yes, as fully licensed physicians, our osteopathic doctors are able to prescribe medications to our patients.  Our physical treatment protocols can be designed to work alongside a patient’s medication with the goal of eventually getting them off their medication so the patient doesn’t have to keep up with it or deal with unpleasant side effects.

Do you take insurance?

Yes, our practice is able to accept medical insurance, various Medicare plans, as well as PIP and Worker’s Compensation. We have dedicated members on our team who work with insurance and help our patients save as much as possible while making the filing process easy. To learn how we could use your plan, give us a call today.

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