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Ozone Therapy – Fort Lauderdale, FL

Discover the Healing Power of Ozone

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “ozone”? For some people, they might think of our planet’s atmosphere. In reality, however, this unique gas does much more than just protect the earth from the sun’s radiation. It has several powerful applications in medicine. Here at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics, our team proudly offers ozone therapy in Fort Lauderdale to help our patients find relief from musculoskeletal pain. Continue reading below to learn more about this natural, effective treatment.

Why Choose the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics for Ozone Therapy?

  • Encourage Your Body to Heal Itself
  • Low-Risk Treatment
  • Precise, Guided Injections

What Is Ozone Therapy?

Friends stretching, enjoying the benefits of medical ozone therapy

When you breathe, you fill your lungs with O2, a molecule that consists of two oxygen atoms. Ozone is also made up of oxygen, but it is known as O3 because each molecule has three atoms bonded together. When inhaled, ozone can be toxic. However, when it is used as part of a non-surgical orthopedic treatment plan, it can offer some outstanding benefits.

Ozone molecules are highly reactive. When they break apart, they spark a reaction in nearby tissues. In turn, this stimulates healing, encourages the reduction of pain, and delivers other advantages.

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Gloved hands administering injection to help patient recover from injury

Research suggests that medical ozone therapy has the potential to:

  • Encourage your body’s stem cells to move to the targeted area, where they can work to heal injuries
  • Decrease painful joint inflammation
  • Kill harmful molecules, such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses
  • Promote higher levels of NAD+ in the body (NAD+ is important in the functioning of the mitochondria)
  • Help the body cope with autoimmune disorders
  • Lower the pain and discomfort caused by fibromyalgia
  • Significantly enhance tissue oxygenation

Almost as noteworthy as its ability to help the body function its best is the fact that ozone therapy is extremely low-risk. When it is properly administered, it is quite unlikely to cause adverse side effects. Plus, because it consists of nothing but oxygen atoms, allergic reactions to it are next to impossible.

How Does Ozone Therapy Work?

Diagram showing blue ozone molecule against white background

If you believe that ozone therapy could benefit you, schedule a consultation with our team. Once we learn about your circumstances, the symptoms you are coping with, and what you hope to accomplish, we will be able to determine whether ozone therapy is right for you.

If it looks like ozone therapy would be a good fit for your regenerative medicine treatment plan, we will discuss some important details with you. One thing we will talk about is the number of ozone sessions you will need; most patients need to visit us multiple times before they experience optimum results.

The treatment process is pretty straightforward. We may inject a mixture of medical-grade ozone and O2 directly into an injured area. In other cases, we combine the ozone with a patient’s own blood before we administer it intravenously.

Are you ready to learn more about orthopedic ozone therapy and how it might be able to help you lead a healthier life? Get in touch with us today to ask questions or request an appointment.

Ozone Therapy FAQs

Thinking man, curious about ozone therapy in Hollywood

Our team is ready to help you benefit from ozone therapy in Hollywood, FL. Before you schedule your consultation, however, you may want to learn more about this treatment and what to expect from it. We completely understand, and that is why we have put together the following list of FAQs, along with to-the-point answers. If you do not find the specific information you were hoping for, feel free to give us a call. We look forward to talking with you!

What Conditions Can Ozone Therapy Be Used to Treat?

Ozone therapy is suitable for a number of musculoskeletal conditions. Here are a few examples of problems that it can be used to address:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Tennis elbow
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Various sports injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Back pain
  • And more!

If you are curious about whether ozone can be used to address your unique concerns, call us for a consultation so we can assess the details of your situation. If it is not right for your situation, we may be able to offer other therapies to help you feel better.

What Is the Difference Between Prolozone and Ozone Therapy?

The terms “Prolozone” and “ozone therapy” might be used interchangeably sometimes. However, there is actually a significant difference between the two. Ozone therapy only uses ozone, typically mixed with oxygen. By itself, it is a powerful healing agent with many applications.

Prolozone combines prolotherapy and ozone therapy. Prolotherapy is a treatment that involves injecting a mild irritant, such as a dextrose (sugar) solution, at the site of an injury. The irritant lets your body know something is wrong so it can send healing cells to the area. In Prolozone treatment, prolotherapy injections are followed up with ozone injections. The two therapies work together to help patients enjoy optimum results.

How Much Does Ozone Therapy Cost?

The cost of ozone therapy depends on how many treatment sessions you need and other factors. It is quite cost-effective because it involves no hospital stay, the appointments are short, and the process is straightforward. We can discuss specific numbers with you during your consultation.

Health insurance usually does not cover ozone therapy because it falls outside the realm of conventional medicine. Hopefully, this will change as more and more practitioners recognize its value.

Does Ozone Therapy Cause Any Side Effects?

When administered properly, ozone therapy is unlikely to cause any severe side effects. However, if the ozone gas is accidentally inhaled, it can cause burning of the eyes, coughing, nausea, and other mild and temporary issues.

Some patients have a flu-like reaction (also called a Herxheimer reaction) following ozone therapy. This isn’t really considered a side effect, though, because it is part of the body’s natural healing process.

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