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Information for Referring Physicians – Fort Lauderdale, FL

Collaboration That
Makes a Difference

Are you a medical provider with a patient who could benefit from high-quality osteopathic care? Are you interested in having a patient try one of our interventional injections, ultrasound therapy, or other unique treatment options? If so, then we are more than happy to welcome consult with them, treat, and refer back to you. Our team enjoys working closely with other doctors, and you can look forward to easy and transparent communication throughout the process to ensure the ideal outcome. To refer a patient to our office, simply fill out the form below.

Florida Ostepathic Medical Association logo American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians logo American Osteopathic Association logo American Acadey of Osteopathy logo American College of Sports Medicine logo American Medical Society for Sports Medicine logo American Acadmy of Family Physicians logo The Osteopathic Cranial Academy logo American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians logo